Kuda Mako-Mushaninga

Senior Vice President Scientific Affairs, National Dairy Council

Kuda is a Registered Dietitian and public health professional with over 25 years of experience implementing nutrition, food systems and public health programs in the United States and globally. Kuda started her career as a Registered Dietitian providing medical nutrition therapy for people living with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and chronic kidney disease while training student dietitians, doctors and nurses.

Kuda has held several roles in providing technical leadership, strategic guidance, public policy analysis and advice on nutrition to stakeholders in government, private sector and academia. She also served for a decade with UNICEF as Chief of Nutrition and Nutrition Specialist providing technical support on maternal, early childhood nutrition and micronutrient programs to the 21 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa.

Currently Senior Vice President Scientific Affairs for the National Dairy Council, Kuda leads work on nutrition guidance, Next Generation Scientist professional development and is the relationship manager for the National Medical Association, where she supports physician education and community outreach.

Kuda holds a Master of Science degree in Dietetics and Nutrition and a Master of Public Health Degree from the University of Kansas Medical Center.